After a successful partnership between the Center on Child Wellbeing & Trauma and Thriving Minds during the 2021-22 academic year, the Center has expanded opportunities for Massachusetts schools and districts to learn about trauma-informed practices through coaching and learning cohorts and a professional development course. For CCWT’s second year partnering with Thriving Minds, 37 participants were selected from school districts and schools statewide.
Coaching Cohort for teams
Teams from districts or schools are paired with an experienced coach who meets with them at least monthly between January and June to guide their steps toward implementing trauma-informed practices and promoting change with buy-in from leadership.
Each team sets its objectives based on an action planning template that asks members to think through the components of a systemic approach to trauma-responsive practices (i.e., teaming, needs assessment/resource mapping, Tier 1, Tiers 2/3, screening, evaluation, and funding and sustainability). Teams will share action plans by the end of this academic year, reflecting their priorities for the 2023-24 school year.
Learning Cohort for individuals
Individuals who want to learn more about trauma-responsive practices participate in the Learning Cohort, building broader buy-in to lay the groundwork for future school- or district-wide implementation.
Cohort members are encouraged to attend monthly professional development sessions by Thriving Minds. Register here for Trauma-Informed Practices for School Mental Health. During each session, starting in January, members will reflect on what they learn, share more about their experiences, and strategize how to advance their work with Thriving Minds staff and their cohort colleagues. They will also meet with a Thriving Minds coach during the spring to set guiding priorities for action in the year ahead.