The HOPE National Resource Center has developed an array of resources for parents and providers that emphasize the importance of positive childhood experiences (PCEs) in day to day life and practice. For more information about HOPE, please feel free to reach them at: HOPE@tuftsmedicalcenter.org, or visit their website at PositiveExperience.org
The HOPE team, in collaboration with the Education Development Center, has launched a learning management system! Through interactive modules, featuring short videos, interviews with guest experts, short quizzes, and supplemental materials, you will learn what Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences are, how they affect adult health, and how to incorporate a HOPE-informed approach to working with children, families, and communities.
Please click here to take the modules! Continuing education credits in medicine, nursing, psychology and social work will be available soon.
This guide walks readers through the process of thinking about policy and practice changes from an anti-racism, HOPE-informed lens. The resource provides case studies in early childhood education and pediatrics to guide readers through the process of reviewing the data, engaging their communities, and making change—giving concrete examples of how to use HOPE and anti-racism to effect systemic change. Thank you to Dr. Baraka Floyd for developing this guide, and thank you to Amanda Winn for facilitating the guide’s creation!
This simple checklist will walk you through assessing if the decision you are making, policy you are creating, or tool you are considering is HOPE-informed. As you consider moving forward, ask yourself if your decision, policy, or tool accomplishes the things listed in the checklist.
About HOPE (English) / Resultados Saludables de Experiencias Positivas (Español)
This handout offers a brief overview of HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences), the 4 Building Blocks of HOPE, their mission, and how they are putting HOPE into action.
HOPE – Resultados Saludablesde Experiencias Positivas – Es una nueva forma de ver y hablar sobre las experiencias que apoyan el crecimiento y el desarrollo de los niños, paraconvertirse en adultossaludables y con capacidad de adaptación y recuperación.
The 4 Building Blocks of HOPE
For families / For educators / For home visitors / For medical providers
This handout gives a detailed overview of the 4 Building Blocks of HOPE and what you can do to promote access to them, based on research conducted by Dr. Charlyn Harper Browne and Dr. Robert Sege.
Los 4 Pilares Fundamentales de HOPE para las Familias
Este recurso está diseñado para ayudar a las familias a aumentar el acceso a los Pilares Fundamentales para sus hijos.
10 Ways to Promote Positive Childhood Experiences
For families / For medical providers
This resource offers ways that families and medical providers can promote positive childhood experiences during the time of Covid-19.
10 Formas para que las Familias Fomenten Experiencias Positivas para los Niños
Utilizando HOPE (Resultados Saludables de Experiencias Positivas) como guía, a continuación, le presentamos 10 sugerencias, para fomentar en estos momentos, Experiencias Positivas para los Niños.
This simple one pager displays the 4 Building Blocks in English and Spanish. Perfect for waiting rooms, offices, and any places where families gather, it can be printed in standard 8.5 x 11 or larger.