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Podcasts & Webinars

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Creating Physical Spaces to Foster Healing and Resilience: Trauma-Informed Design

Summary: Building a trauma-responsive organization can serve as the backbone to providing compassionate, collaborative programming for clients, and supporting a happy, healthy, and resilient workforce. The Pathways Learning Network convened on April 10, 2023, to learn more about actionable steps to make your organization more trauma-responsive.

It Starts With Us: Building a Trauma-Responsive and Resilient Workplace

Summary: Building a trauma-responsive organization can serve as the backbone to providing compassionate, collaborative programming for clients, and supporting a happy, healthy, and resilient workforce. The Pathways Learning Network convened on April 10, 2023, to learn more about actionable steps to make your organization more trauma-responsive.
Episode description:
The Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma (CCWT) is a partnership between Massachusetts’ Office of the Child Advocate and ForHealth Consulting™ at UMass Chan Medical School. CCWT supports child-serving organizations and systems in becoming trauma-informed and responsive through trainings, technical assistance, communities of practice, and coaching. Audrey Smolkin, MPP, Executive Director, and Alison Cebulla, MPH, Associate Director of Curriculum Development and Training, will describe their innovative organization and services that were launched in 2021.
Episode description:
Today, I am joined by Audrey Smolkin and Thula Sibanda. Audrey is the Director of Child and Family Policy at the UMass Medical School. She is responsible for identifying, developing, overseeing the management of new programs, research, and evidence-based policy initiatives all related to children and families. And as part of her job, she is partnering with organizations and individuals from throughout the state to help improve services. Her current focus is on trauma, particularly racial trauma, and the long-term negative impacts on the trauma of youth.

Also joining me is Thula Sibanda. She is the coordinator of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) in Massachusetts. Thula’s focus is on the oversight and implementation of the JDAI initiative in Massachusetts. It seeks to improve or reimagine a juvenile justice system that is anti-racist and developmentally appropriate and ensures that the right youth is in the right place for the right reasons.

In this episode, we unveil the magic of this dynamic duo of Audrey and Thula as they embark on an incredible mission to provide racial equity training to providers, families, and community leaders throughout the entire state of Massachusetts.