Pam Marble, BA
Project Coordinator
Pam Marble serves as the project coordinator for the Center. In this role, she keeps projects, deliverables, and tasks running smoothly and efficiently. She also puts her years of customer service experience to use in delivering a high level of service to both Center team members and partnering organizations.
Pam joins the Center from UMass Chan Medical School’s ForHealth Consulting division. There, she worked in the Acquired Brain Injury/Money Follows the Person Operations unit, a MassHealth Funded community-based services program. Before joining UMass Chan, she worked at the Worcester Jewish Community Center, Skinners Auctioneers & Appraisers, and the Committee on Criminal Justice.
Pam received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Massachusetts Boston’s College of Public and Community Service with a concentration in legal services.
A Q&A with Pamela Marble
What are your responsibilities?
I would say my #1 responsibility is virtual scheduling and coordination of the meetings for the executive director, individual team members, and group training sessions. The #2 responsibility is all keeping on top of all the details – including confirming any presenters and sending agenda-related materials to all participants prior to meetings. Then afterward, ensuring requested materials are sent out (e.g., presentation materials, links to important topics discussed, contact info, etc.), and following up with a list of next steps and a link to the next meeting.
Which PCEs building block do you feel resonates the most with your work?
Honestly, all four building blocks resonate, and all are vital to healthy individuals and a thriving society. For me, “Positive Relationships” have always been the most important. Relationships exist on many levels, a mother to her child, best friends, neighbors, and even coworkers, etc. But no matter the relationship we all have the ability within us to make a positive impact on someone’s life.
I want to share an example of what I mean. When I was in college, I worked a part-time job and one of my coworkers, a lot younger and still in high school, used to call me at home to just talk. We had little in common and our childhood experiences were polar opposites, she just needed someone to listen. Over time, I learned she struggled with drugs, had previous attempts at suicide, and experienced homelessness. Eventually, her calls had stopped, and not knowing how to get a hold of her, I thought the worse. A couple of years later, she called to thank me. She was no longer using drugs and currently living with her grandmother. When I asked her “what I did that made such a difference,” she said that I never judged her and always expected the best from her when everyone else had given up. I just listened when she needed someone to talk to.
What is one way you promote resilience in your life or the lives around you?
One way I promote resilience in my life is having good support from both family and friends. A strong foundation of love and caring in all parts of my life builds resilience. For whatever reason, if life gets too much and I go to fall – they are there to support and pick me up. They are my parachute and lifeline now and someday I will be theirs.