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Center on Child Wellbeing & Trauma Coaching Academy on Resilience and Trauma Application instructions

Goal: CART team members will utilize the knowledge and tools provided to both develop trauma-responsive projects in their communities and work toward a more trauma-responsive and positive collaborative process across community supports for children and families.


Applicant team: the 5-8 people from a given community who will submit a joint application to participant in CART. Applicant team members receive training, coaching and stipends.

Champion: a local leader who commits to support the applicant team in their 6-months of CART participation. Champions will commit to use their positions, networks, resources, and influence to support the local team and effort. They are not paid but will receive access to some supports, including up to 8 hours of capacity-building or technical assistance through CART.

Racial equity: the condition where race can no longer predict life outcomes.

Systems change: a shift in attitudes, behaviors, policies, practices, power structures, or resource flows that makes lasting change more likely.

Community of practice: the cohort of CART participants across 4 cities who will gather to share lessons, ideas, and opportunities to build collective capacity toward a change in collaborative processes.