Grace C. Henry, BS, BA
Professional Learning Communities & Training Manager
Grace Henry serves as the Professional Learning Communities & Training Manager for the Center on Child Wellbeing & Trauma, a partnership between ForHealth Consulting and the Massachusetts Office of the Child Advocate. In this role, she brings her passion for understanding trauma and how it impacts people and systems through developing curriculums for training and technical assistance to assure the development of community-based trauma-informed practices that are developed and sustained across sectors. This includes engaging family and child-facing organization staff in interactive dialogues on systemic issues to assess adherence to standards and to identify opportunities for improvement.
Henry is an award-winning academic researcher, having led an independent study at the University of South Florida on the mental health impact of those who were raped during the Rwanda Genocide and the children they gave birth to as a result. With a passion for educating others, she is a recognized trauma expert who has trained teachers, law enforcement officers, therapists, registered nurses, and other community members. She has coordinated with various systems such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Air Force, and county school boards on behalf of trauma survivors. Her passion for understanding people and trauma seeps into other aspects of her life, as well. This is particularly evident in her award-winning short story, “Espwa,” about a young Haitian-American facing family trauma.
Henry was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and earned two bachelors’ degrees from the University of South Florida in Behavioral Healthcare and Creative Writing, where she is also currently working towards her master’s in Social Work. When she’s not running after her toddler and enjoying time with her husband, she enjoys reading, writing, playing guitar, and engaging in various forms of art.